Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Meringue Shell

I had some extra egg whites in my fridge after using a recipe that called for only yolks (don't you hate that?) so I "whipped" up some Meringue Shells (single serving) They suggest that you serve ice cream over the shell and drizzle with chocolate syrup. In my opinion it was very sweet, almost too sweet. Something you would have to be in the mood for. But It DOES melt in your mouth.. i enjoyed that!
Meringue Shell
3 Large Egg Whites
1/4tsp Cream of Tarter
3/4 C. Sugar

Heat oven to 275'F Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.

In bowl beat egg whites and cream of tarter in electric mixer on high speed until foamy. Beat in sugar, 1 Tbs at a time. Continue beating until stiff peaks form and mixture is gloss. Do not under beat. On cookie sheet drop 1/3 cup fulls of meringue shape into circles, building up sides.

Bake 1 hour. Turn off oven; leave meringue in oven with door closed for 1 hour. Finish cooling at room temperature.

Happy Cooking!!

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