Saturday, January 28, 2017


I love making a little bigger breakfast on the weekends. My grandma mentioned to me last weekend that she had made some blueberry pancakes so that has been on my mind all week! So today was the day I gave it a try. Karlyle, however, does not like fruit in his pancakes, but he does like chocolate chips. So we split the batter and did half and half. I (not liking chocolate for breakfast) thought the blueberries tasted much better with the whole wheat flour. If I made chocolate chip pancakes again I would probably use the regular flour with this recipe. 

1 Lg Egg
1 C Whole Wheat or Regular Flour (I used Whole Wheat)
3/4 C Milk
1 T Sugar
2 T Vegetable Oil
3 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Salt

1. In medium bowl beat egg with mixer until fluffy. Beat in remaining ingredients just until smooth. For thinner pancakes stir in additional 1-2 T of Milk.

2. Heat Griddle to 375' Grease griddle with vegetable oil or spray if necessary.

3. For each pancake use slightly less than 1/4 C batter. Cook pancakes until bubbly on top, puffed and dry around the edges. Turn and cook other sides until golden brown.

** Betty Crocker Helpful Hint: The second side never browns as easily as the first.

Chocolate Chip Pancakes: Add 1/4 C. Mini Chocolate Chips

Blueberry Pancakes: Add 1/2 C. Blueberries ( Or any desired berry)

Friday, January 27, 2017

Meat Loaf

Since the birth of our daughter I am staying home now with her and I found myself looking for some new recipes seeing we are eating at home a lot more often after having our little one! My sister suggested I get started on my blog again so after 3 years of silence... here I go!!

1 1/2-lb lean (at least 80%) Ground Beef
1 C. Milk
1 Tbs. Worcestershire Sauce
1 tsp. Chopped Fresh or 1/4 tsp. Dried Sage Leaves (I did not use)
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Ground Mustard
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1 Clove of Garlic, finely chopped, or 1/8 tsp. Garlic Powder (I used fresh)
1 Large Egg
3 Slices of Bread, torn into small pieces*
*1/2 C. Dried Bread Crumbs or 3/4 C. Quick-Cooking Oats can be substituted (I used Oatmeal)
1 Small Onion, chopped (1/4 cup)
1/2 C. Ketchup, Chili Sauce, or BBQ Sauce (I used Ketchup)

1. Heat Oven to 350*F

2. In large bowl mix all ingredients except ketchup. Spread into an ungreased 8x4 or 9x5 loaf pan, or shape into 9x5-inch loaf in ungreased 9x13 pan. Spread ketchup over the top.

3. Bake uncovered 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes or until beef in no longer pink in the center (160*F) Drain meatloaf.

4. Let stand 5 minutes; remove from pan

I never really liked meatloaf growing up. But I found out recently that my husband is a big fan! I never made it for him but it is something my mom makes so it was a real treat! Now that I started doing my challenge again I got out my cookbook for a new place to start! What better thing to start with than his favorite! Surprisingly the older I get my taste buds must be changing because I thought this was great and even got myself a second serving. I will be marking this as *Very Good* in my cookbook! Enjoy!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Super- Easy Fudge

1 Can (14oz) Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 bag (12oz) Semisweet Chocolate Chips
1 oz unsweetened Baking Chocolate, If desired
1 1/2 C Chopped Nuts, If Desired
1 tsp Vanilla

1. Grease bottom & sides of 8 inch square pan.

2. In sauce pan heat milk, chocolate chips, and unsweetened chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat.

3. Quickly stir in nuts and vanilla. Spread in pan refridgerate about 1 1/2 hours or until firm. Cut into 1 inch squares.

This is one of my Dad's favorites when it comes to the Holiday goodies! So "Super Easy" is very attractive to me when all the hustle and bustle comes with the Holidays a lot of times we just need something to get us out the door quickly and onto the next family function. This was very tasty and quick and I'm sure my Dad would agree... DELICIOUS!


2 C Sugar
1/2 C Butter
2 C Whipping Cream
3/4 C Corn Syrup

1. Grease bottom and sides of 8 or 9 inch square glass baking dish.

2. In heavy saucepan, heat all ingredients to boiling over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil uncovered about 35 minutes, stirring frequently, to 245' on candy thermometer. Immediately press into baking dish. Cool completely, about 2 hrs.

3. Cut into 1 inch squares. Wrap individually into wax paper squares. Store into air tight containers.

The secret to this recipe is that you need to make sure they are cooked long enough otherwise they will not stay in a stiff form and will become runny once they get warm.

Peanut Brittle-EASY

Peanut Brittle
1 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Vanilla
1 1/2 C Sugar
1 C Corn Syrup
3 T Butter
1 lb Peanuts

1. Heat oven to 200' Grease Cookie sheet with butter; keep warm in oven. (Keeping pan warm allows candy to be spread easier)

2. In 8 C microwavable measure, mix  sugar, corn syrup, and peanuts. Microwave uncovered high for 5 minutes; stir. Microwave for 5 more minutes. Stir in butter and vanilla. Microwave on high for 4-6 minutes. Mixture will turn brittle on the spoon or spatula when done.

3. Pour candy mixture onto cookie sheet. Spread about 1/4 inch thick. Cool completely. Break into pieces. Store in an air tight container.

I was BEYOND impressed with the simplicity of this recipe! I made this at least 3 times between Thanksgiving and Christmas! It is great for a gift also or just to snack on at home!

Happy Baking!

Crunchy Peanut Clusters

Crunchy Peanut Clusters
1pkg White Chocolate Chips
2/3 C Creamy Peanut Butter
4 C Cheerios
2 C Mini Marshmallows
2 C Roasted Peanuts

1. In sauce pan heat chocolate chips until melted. Stir in peanut butter until smooth. Add remaining ingredients; stirring until completely coated.

2. On waxed paper drop mixtures by heaping teaspoonfuls. Let stand about 1 hr until firm. Store tightly covered.

The picture below in not an actual picture of the cookies with the recipe but they are very similar except the ones below are made with milk chocolate and no cheerios. These cookies were very delightful! I will put this on my sweet tooth list of goodies for in the future again!

Bark- Peppermint or Cranberry Almond

Peppermint Bark

1pkg Almond Bark or White Chocolate chips
24 Hard Peppermint Candies

Cranberry Almond

1pkg Almond Bark
1/2 C Dried Cranberries
1/2 C Chopped Almonds

1. Cover cookie sheet with waxed paper. In 8 cup microwave bowl melt candy coating 2-3 minutes stirring every 30 seconds. Stir until smooth.

Peppermint: 2. Crush peppermint candies into very tiny pieces, Mix in with the candy.

Cranberry: 2. Stir in Cranberry and almonds into candy coating until covered

3. Spread coating evenly onto cookie sheet.
Peppermint: Sprinkle with remaining bigger pieces of peppermint candies. 

4. Le stand about 1 hr until cooled and hardened.  

Well I am really late on getting these posted but 6 more months and we will be bakin for the Holidays again! I always enjoy all the goodies that come olong with the holidays! These recipes are sure to impress your friends/ family!

Happy Baking!