Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bark- Peppermint or Cranberry Almond

Peppermint Bark

1pkg Almond Bark or White Chocolate chips
24 Hard Peppermint Candies

Cranberry Almond

1pkg Almond Bark
1/2 C Dried Cranberries
1/2 C Chopped Almonds

1. Cover cookie sheet with waxed paper. In 8 cup microwave bowl melt candy coating 2-3 minutes stirring every 30 seconds. Stir until smooth.

Peppermint: 2. Crush peppermint candies into very tiny pieces, Mix in with the candy.

Cranberry: 2. Stir in Cranberry and almonds into candy coating until covered

3. Spread coating evenly onto cookie sheet.
Peppermint: Sprinkle with remaining bigger pieces of peppermint candies. 

4. Le stand about 1 hr until cooled and hardened.  

Well I am really late on getting these posted but 6 more months and we will be bakin for the Holidays again! I always enjoy all the goodies that come olong with the holidays! These recipes are sure to impress your friends/ family!

Happy Baking!

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